May 8, 2019

The Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum has a number of initiatives and events planned for the month of June to bring awareness to Prostate Cancer, including our annual Paint the Region Blue initiative.

HR Prostate Health Forum May 2019 Newsletter

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 May 2019 Edition

June is Men’s Health Month

The Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum has a number of initiatives and events planned for the month of June to bring awareness to Prostate Cancer, including our annual Paint the Region Blue initiative. 

If you are interested in participating by promoting Paint the Region Blue in your church or community of faith, organization or among your friends and family, please let us know by contacting Charlie Hill at or 757.827.0488 before Friday, May 24th. Our goal is to provide blue ribbons for you to give to all who wish to participate by wearing the blue ribbons throughout the month of June and especially on Father’s Day, June 16th.

RESPOND is a first-of-its kind national study of Prostate Cancer in men of African Ancestry: Defining the Roles of Genetics, Tumor Markers and Social Stress

RESPOND will be one of the largest studies ever to look at the underlying factors and reasons that put African American men at higher risk for prostate cancer. Over the next five years, 10,000 African American men with prostate cancer will be recruited.

The RESPOND Study is supported by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under grant number CA214253, awarded to the University of Southern California  in Los Angeles. NIH is providing 96% of the total funding ($25.5 million) and the Prostate Cancer Foundation is providing 4% of the funding ($1million).

The Study PI is Dr. Christopher Haiman. Others involved at the top include Dr. Ann Hamilton and Denise Modjeski, M.S. ( Phone: 888.425.0521. There are multiple research sites across the country.

Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum strongly encourages all African American men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer in the US any time in the last 8 years to learn more about this study and participate, if you possibly can.

Learn about the RESPOND Study

There is a new study called COMPPARE. It stands for “A Prospective COMparative Study of Outcomes with Proton and Photon RAdiation in PRostate CancEr. Charlie Hill, President and Co-founder of the Forum has been asked to help recruit African American men for the study in Hampton Roads. Mr. Hill is a prostate cancer patient and a WARRIOR who was treated with surgery and photon radiation. He is also a COMPPARE Study Stakeholder and a member of the Study’s Minority Engagement Group. Please visit for more information.

Learn about the COMPPARE Study


 * Early stage prostate cancer that has not spread has no symptoms
 * A PSA test may indicate prostate cancer early before it has spread. 
 * The digital rectal exam (DRE) may also indicate prostate cancer before it has spread.

 *People of faith have felt the need to express their experience with and belief in a much higher power especially in times of trouble such as learning they have cancer. Proclaiming the good news seems to serve most cancer patients well as it helps with their psychosocial well being and needs.

 * Early treatment of prostate cancer may help some men avoid major problems.
 * Early treatment of prostate cancer may help some men live longer.

Considering a donation to Hampton Roads Prostate Health Forum? The Forum is always grateful for contributions that help advance our cause to fight prostate cancer in Hampton Roads and beyond.


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